Honey Facts
Did you know? Honey has different flavors and colors, depending on the location and kinds of flowers the bees visit. Bee-lieve it or not it's true! Here at GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY we've been collecting amazing facts about honey and honeybees for over 80 years. The following is a collection of our favorite honey facts that is sure to fascinate and amaze you.

Amazing Facts… About Honey
Honey is one of the oldest foods in existence. It was found in the tomb of King Tut and was still edible since honey never spoils.
Due to the high level of fructose, honey is 25% sweeter than table sugar.
Honey is created when bees mix plant nectar, a sweet substance secreted by flowers, with their own bee enzymes.
To make honey, bees drop the collected nectar into the honeycomb and then evaporate it by fanning their wings.
Honey never spoils, as long as it is in a sealed container. No need to refrigerate it. It should be stored unopened, indefinitely, at room temperature in a dry cupboard.
Honey has different flavors and colors, depending on the location and kinds of flowers the bees visit. Climatic conditions of the area also influence its flavor and color.
To keep their hives strong, beekeepers must place them in locations that will provide abundant nectar sources as well as water.
In the days before biology and botany were understood, people thought it was a special kind of magic that turned flower nectar into honey.