1 prepared 9-inch chocolate cookie crumb pie crust
6 Tablespoons butter or margarine (melted)
6 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup water
1 Tablespoon instant coffee
2 quarts ice cream or frozen yogurt
Honey Tips
Honey Bees Need Water
To keep their hives strong, beekeepers must place them in locations that will provide abundant nectar sources as well as water.
Combine first 5 ingredients in a small saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until chocolate melts and sauce is smooth. Transfer to a glass measuring cup.
Using an ice cream scoop, form ice cream into balls. If using different flavors, alternate them in a single, tightly packed layer on top of pie crust. Form 2 more layers, mounding in the center.
Drizzle 1 cup of sauce over ice cream balls. Freeze until 15 minutes before serving. Remove from refrigerator. Cut into wedges and serve with remaining sauce.
Serves: 8-10
Using an ice cream scoop, form ice cream into balls. If using different flavors, alternate them in a single, tightly packed layer on top of pie crust. Form 2 more layers, mounding in the center.
Drizzle 1 cup of sauce over ice cream balls. Freeze until 15 minutes before serving. Remove from refrigerator. Cut into wedges and serve with remaining sauce.
Serves: 8-10