Sweet and Sour Salmon

Rosh Hashanah


3 cups water

1/3 cup red wine vinegar

1/2 lemon, sliced

1 small onion, sliced

1 small bay leaf

1/2 teaspoon whole peppercorns

1/4 cup golden raisins

1 teaspoon salt

3 whole cloves


1 pound salmon steaks

3 gingersnap cookies

Honey Tips

Honey Bees Need Water

To keep their hives strong, beekeepers must place them in locations that will provide abundant nectar sources as well as water.


Boil first 9 ingredients in a medium skillet. Add fish and simmer uncovered 5 minutes. Turn. Add gingersnaps and cook an additional 5 minutes until salmon flakes. Remove fish to warm plate. Boil liquid until it thickens, about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and pepper to taste. While sauce is cooking, remove skin and debone fish. Strain sauce, reserving onions and raisins. Pour sauce over fish and garnish with the reserved onions and raisins. Serves 2.